Revision history for AnAdvantageousCatastrophe4ga

Revision [21366]

Last edited on 2016-02-06 20:23:01 by SeamusDonohue [Added notation about faction standings.]
==Faction Standings==
Will incur a -0.02% standing loss with Gallente Federation for "Combat - Ship Kill". This should be safe to run unless your standings with the Gallente are already just barely above -2.

Revision [20527]

Edited on 2014-09-04 14:33:04 by AkKuky [Updated with findings from 2014-9-4]
3x Battleships (Federation Praktor Phanix, Praktor Magister) **Last killed triggers mission complete**
3x Battleships (Federation Praktor Magister/Phanix)
3x Battleships (Federation Praktor Phanix, Praktor Magister) ++**Last killed triggers mission complete**++ Not anymore as of 16-08-2014
3x Battleships (Federation Praktor Magister/Phanix) **Last killed triggers mission complete**
++Salvage and loot minimal (received 2 armor plates, 14x tripped power circuit is only thing worth note)++

Revision [20429]

Edited on 2014-08-15 21:07:17 by SteelWings [Corrected complete conditions]
3x Battleships (Federation Praktor Phanix, Praktor Magister) ++**Last killed triggers mission complete**++ Not anymore as of 16-08-2014
Kill all BS until wave 3 spawns.
3x Battleships (Federation Praktor Phanix, Praktor Magister) **Last killed triggers ++mission complete++Wave 3**
Kill all BS until wave 2 spawns.
Kill all BS from wave 2.

Revision [20428]

Edited on 2014-08-15 21:03:15 by SteelWings [Updated mission complete conditions]
3x Battleships (Federation Praktor Phanix, Praktor Magister) **Last killed triggers ++mission complete++Wave 3**
3x Battleships (Federation Praktor Magister/Phanix) **Last killed triggers mission complete**
Kill all BS until wave 2 spawns.
Kill all BS from wave 3.
3x Battleships (Federation Praktor Phanix, Praktor Magister) **Last killed triggers mission complete**
3x Battleships (Federation Praktor Magister/Phanix)
Kill BS until wave 2 spawns.

Revision [18992]

Edited on 2013-12-01 11:19:21 by UlviiralaVauryndar [standing loss for Federation Praktor Navis Praetor]
Killing Federation Praktor Navis Praetoria incurs a -0.02% standing loss.

Revision [18352]

Edited on 2013-03-11 23:46:33 by WikiNameIntelexe [standing loss for Federation Praktor Navis Praetor]
Loot and salvage seems worth the 5 minutes to me.
1.4m salvage
15m Tags
2.6m Loot
25m worth of loot, tags and salvage

Revision [18351]

Edited on 2013-03-11 23:42:02 by WikiNameIntelexe [standing loss for Federation Praktor Navis Praetor]
++Salvage and loot minimal (received 2 armor plates, 14x tripped power circuit is only thing worth note)++
25m worth of loot, tags and salvage
Salvage and loot minimal (received 2 armor plates, 14x tripped power circuit is only thing worth note)

Revision [14085]

Edited on 2012-07-29 16:06:25 by DesmontMcCallock [standing loss for Federation Praktor Navis Praetor]

No Differences

Revision [14077]

Edited on 2012-07-29 15:36:02 by DesmontMcCallock [standing loss for Federation Praktor Navis Praetor]
Kill all Destroyers upon warp-in (spawns wave 1).
Kill all Destroyers uopn warp-in (spawns wave 1).

Revision [14076]

Edited on 2012-07-29 15:35:41 by DesmontMcCallock [standing loss for Federation Praktor Navis Praetor]

Revision [9701]

Edited on 2012-02-20 07:06:14 by ShakeThat [standing loss for Federation Praktor Navis Praetor]
5x Battleships (Federation Covinus/Navis Longa/Praeses/Hexeris/Praktor Navis Praetoria) **Dampening Federation Praktor Navis Praetoria**
5x Battleships (Federation Covinus/Navis Longa/Praeses/Hexeris)

Revision [9700]

Edited on 2012-02-20 06:55:55 by ShakeThat [standing loss for Federation Praktor Navis Praetor]
3x Destroyers (Federation Arcus, Pelekus) **Trigger (last killed)**
3x Destroyers (Federation Arcus) **Trigger (last killed)**

Revision [9638]

Edited on 2012-01-15 02:57:18 by SmokeLuvr1971 [standing loss for Federation Praktor Navis Praetor]
**Killing random BS triggers wave 2**
**Killing random BS riggers wave 2**

Revision [9637]

Edited on 2012-01-15 02:56:53 by SmokeLuvr1971 [standing loss for Federation Praktor Navis Praetor]
**Killing random BS riggers wave 2**
**Killing last BS from wave 1 triggers wave 3**
**Killing 1 (random?) Triggers wave 2**
**Killing last herexis triggers wave 3**

Revision [9636]

Edited on 2012-01-15 02:55:54 by SmokeLuvr1971 [cleaned up ship/wave description.]
4x Frigates (Federation Libertus, Manica)
3x Destroyers (Federation Arcus) **Trigger (last killed)**
8x Destroyers (Federation Pelekus/Arcus)
3x Battlecruisers (Federation Praktor Auxilia)
5x Battleships (Federation Covinus/Navis Longa/Praeses/Hexeris)
(Hexeris orbit at 50-55km) / (Hexeris optimal damage range 45km)
**Killing 1 (random?) Triggers wave 2**
3x Frigate (Elite Federation Matara) **Dampening**
4x Battlecruisers (Federation Praktor Arx/Bearcus/Quadrier)
3x Battleships (Federation Praktor Phanix, Praktor Magister) **Last killed triggers mission complete**
2x Frigates (Elite Federation Manica/Libertus) **Web/Scramble**
4x Cruisers (Elite Federation Mentes/Quadrieis)
3x Battleships (Federation Praktor Magister/Phanix)
Kill all Destroyers uopn warp-in (spawns wave 1).
Kill BS until wave 2 spawns.
Kill all BS from wave 2.
1x Frigate (Federation Libertus)
3x Frigates (Federation Manica)
3x Destroyers (Federation Arcus) **Trigger (when you kill all)**
I have completed this mission twice now. Both times, the second spawned resulted from killing the three Federation Arcuses first, however, I believe it should be the Libertus because of its unique ID.
I completed this mission too and i think no trigger just when you kill all ships.
4x Frigate (Federation Matara) **Dampening**
1x Destroyer (Federation Pelekus)
3x Destroyers (Federation Arcus)
3x Cruiser (Federation Praktor Auxilia)
1x Battleship (Federation Covinus)
1x Battleship (Federation Praktor Praeses)
3x Battleships (Federation Praktor Hexeris, orbit at 50-55km) **Killing 1 (random?) Triggers wave 2**
(Hexeris optimal damage range 45km)
2x Frigates (Elite Federation Manica) **Web/Scramble**
1x Cruisers (Elite Federation Mentes
3x Cruiser (Elite Federation Quadrieis)
2x Battleships (Federation Praktor Phanix, Praktor Magister)
3x Frigates (Elite Federation Matara/Libertus) **(if Libertus) x2 - Web/Scramble**
1x Cruiser (Elite Federation Praktor Arx)
3x Cruisers (Federation Praktor Bearcus/Quadrier)
2x Battleships (Federation Praktor Magister)
1x Battleship (Federation Praktor Phanix)
See comments for mission completion trigger...
Kill all Destroyers.
Kill BS until wave 2 spawns (leave Hexeris if possible).
Kill all BS from wave 2?

Revision [9615]

Edited on 2012-01-04 19:15:03 by AntonKumamato [cleaned up ship/wave description.]
Salvage and loot minimal (received 2 armor plates, 14x tripped power circuit is only thing worth note)
Salvage and loot minimal (received 8 armor plates, 16x tripped power circuit is only thing worth note)

Revision [9613]

Edited on 2012-01-02 01:42:22 by SmokeLuvr1971 [Fixed tips and added possible Blitz info]
See comments for mission completion trigger...
Kill all Destroyers.
Kill BS until wave 2 spawns (leave Hexeris if possible).
Kill all BS from wave 2?
Killing all Battleships (or the single Magister) in wave 3 triggers mission complete. Or killing last BS from wave 2 without wave 3 present triggers mission complete.
None to my knowledge.

Revision [9369]

Edited on 2011-10-16 00:09:49 by SmokeLuvr1971 [Fixed tips and added possible Blitz info]
3x Battleships (Federation Praktor Hexeris, orbit at 50-55km) **Killing 1 (random?) Triggers wave 2**
**Killing last herexis triggers wave 3**
Killing all Battleships (or the single Magister) in wave 3 triggers mission complete. Or killing last BS from wave 2 without wave 3 present triggers mission complete.
3x Battleships (Federation Praktor Hexeris, orbit at 50-55km) **Killing 1 Triggers wave 2**
Dont know trigger for wave 3 but it is easy :)
Seems killing last Praktor Hexeris from Wave 1 triggers wave 3
Killing all Battleships (or the single Magister) in wave 3 triggers mission complete.

Revision [9342]

Edited on 2011-10-10 21:40:00 by SmokeLuvr1971 [mission trigger complete update]
Killing all Battleships (or the single Magister) in wave 3 triggers mission complete.
Killing all Battleships in wave 3 triggers mission complete.

Revision [9226]

Edited on 2011-09-17 20:19:00 by SmokeLuvr1971 [added mission complete trigger]
Killing all Battleships in wave 3 triggers mission complete.

Revision [8717]

Edited on 2011-06-09 09:43:05 by MaurriK [Added Details, loot, ships]
Note: Bookmarking and warp to distance of bookmark allowed. If warp out after starting mission, will auto-aggro when warp to bookmark.
3x Battleships (Federation Praktor Hexeris, orbit at 50-55km) **Killing 1 Triggers wave 2**
(Hexeris optimal damage range 45km)
2x Battleships (Federation Praktor Phanix, Praktor Magister)
Seems killing last Praktor Hexeris from Wave 1 triggers wave 3
Example of tag loot:
6x Federation Navy Fleet Captain Insignia I
1x Federation Navy Fleet Colonel Insignia I
10 Federation Navy Fleet Colonel Insignia II
23 Federation Navy Fleet Major Insignia I
4x Federation Navy Fleet Midshipman Insignia I
8x Federation Navy Fleet Sergeant Insignia I
8x Federation Navy Fleet Sergeant Insignia II
3x Federation Navy Fleet Sergeant Insignia III
Salvage and loot minimal (received 8 armor plates, 16x tripped power circuit is only thing worth note)
3x Battleships (Federation Praktor Hexeris) **Triggers for wave 2**
2x Battleships (Federation Praktor Phanix)

Revision [8561]

Edited on 2011-05-18 20:15:30 by LordZerg [few corrections and additions (groups are waves)]
3x Destroyers (Federation Arcus) **Trigger (when you kill all)**
I completed this mission too and i think no trigger just when you kill all ships.
===Wave 1 (40-50km)===
4x Frigate (Federation Matara) **Dampening**
3x Frigate (Elite Federation Manica/Libertus) **Web/Scramble**
3x Battleships (Federation Praktor Hexeris) **Triggers for wave 2**
===Wave 2 (20km)===
Dont know trigger for wave 3 but it is easy :)
===Wave 3 (60km)===
3x Frigates (Elite Federation Matara/Libertus) **(if Libertus) x2 - Web/Scramble**
3x Cruisers (Federation Praktor Bearcus/Quadrier)
3x Destroyers (Federation Arcus) **Trigger**
===Group 2 (40-50km)===
4x Frigate (Federation Matara)
3x Frigate (Elite Federation Manica) **Web/Scramble**
3x Battleships (Federation Praktor Hexeris) **Triggers for Groups 3 and 4**
===Group 3 (20km)===
===Group 4 (60km)===
3x Frigates (Elite Federation Matara)
3x Cruisers (Federation Praktor Bearcus)

Revision [8487]

Edited on 2011-05-02 01:18:02 by LtauSTinpoWErs [few corrections and additions (groups are waves)]
1x Frigate (Federation Libertus)
3x Destroyers (Federation Arcus) **Trigger**
I have completed this mission twice now. Both times, the second spawned resulted from killing the three Federation Arcuses first, however, I believe it should be the Libertus because of its unique ID.
1x Frigate (Federation Libertus) **Trigger**
Not 100% sure on Trigger. I believe it should be the Libertus but I think the next group spawned when I killed the three destroyers (Federation Arcus).

Revision [8429]

Edited on 2011-04-24 05:15:43 by LtauSTinpoWErs [few corrections and additions (groups are waves)]
3x Frigate (Elite Federation Manica) **Web/Scramble**
3x Frigate (Elite Federation Manica)**Web/Scramble**

Revision [8428]

Edited on 2011-04-23 18:46:35 by LtauSTinpoWErs [few corrections and additions (groups are waves)]
You should be able to kill all of the webbing and scrambling Elite Federation Manicas before they reach webbing range.
You should be able to kill all of the web and scrambling Elite Federation Manicas before they reach webbing range.

Revision [8427]

Edited on 2011-04-23 18:45:46 by LtauSTinpoWErs [few corrections and additions (groups are waves)]
====Single Pocket====
===Group 1 (40km)===
===Group 2 (40-50km)===
===Group 3 (20km)===
===Group 4 (60km)===
=====Single Pocket=====
====Group 1 (40km)====
====Group 2 (40-50km)====
====Group 3 (20km)====
====Group 4 (60km)====

Revision [8426]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2011-04-23 18:40:56 by LtauSTinpoWErs [few corrections and additions (groups are waves)]
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